Leadership is a full-body experience

People tend to see leadership as an intellectual exercise, but at Trilogy Effect we approach it as a full-body experience.

We believe that to be great, you must bring your whole self to leadership, and not rely on just your intellect and analytical abilities (your head).

People need their hearts too. Your heart is where you make connections. A key way to engage people is by speaking to their values and what brings meaning to their work. Building these essential relationships keeps your business going and growing. And without action, all engagement, analysis and planning go nowhere. That’s where the belly center comes in — it guides you to act in pursuit of goals. 

The best, most-rounded and effective leaders bring all three centers to bear on their work.

“New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is an excellent example,” says Trilogy Effect Partner Mary Beth Sawicki. “It’s clear that she engages all three centers as she leads her citizens through the COVID-19 crisis.”

Ardern is a decisive and effective leader. She takes swift action (belly) based on science and data (head). That’s why New Zealand had what experts call “the most decisive and strongest lockdown in the world”.

Leading with empathy

At the same time, her empathy (heart) persuades New Zealanders to “stay home and save lives”.  She builds trust by acknowledging the challenges of everyday life in lockdown. She communicates with citizens almost daily via TV briefings and Facebook Live sessions.

Mary Beth says, “It's beautiful and powerful the way Jacinda Ardern leads. By engaging all three centers she’s inclusive, generous and strong. She gives everyone what they need to trust her.” 

Learn more about embodiment in leadership on the Being Human Is Good For Business podcast Episode 2: Do you lead with your head, heart or gut?

Set up a call to find out how Trilogy Effect can help you develop a strong leadership team. 

Full-Body Leadership with Jacinda Ardern